We Teach. We Reach. We Touch.
Choir members minister in song. They are dedicated and faithful to the service through singing as an expression of their Christian faith and devotion.
Ushers Board is the front-runner for the church. It is important that visitors are greeted with a warm, friendly face. Ushers are also available to answer questions regarding church services and joining the church. Ushers also keep service seating organized.
Kitchen and Food Services role is to assist in meal planning and preparation for various church events.
Food Pantry is dedicated to providing for the needs of those that suffer from hunger by distributing food and grocery products, educating the community about hunger, and collaborating with others who address basic human needs.
Outreach Ministry goes out into the community and surrounding communities to meet spiritual, emotional, educational and financial needs.
Youth Department provides a Christ-centered environment where youth and children may develop intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and socially.
Foundation of Brothers Men’s Department role is to support the Bishop and his vision as armor bearers in the ministry. FOB dwell together in unity and supports each other in spiritual and natural growth in church and out of church.
Women 2 Woman Women’s Department role is to support our Bishop and his vision. W2W is a sisterhood of unity where we support each other in spiritual and natural growth w/in church and outside church.
Nurses Board cares for & supports the Pastor before, during, & after the worship service, providing water, juice, tea, or towels. Nurses also care for and assist anyone in need during the church service.
Mothers Board consists of seasoned women of that have been appointed by God. These women have Godly Wisdom. The Mothers Board is responsible for intercessory prayer for Pastor and Church and Love Benevolence for the sick and shut-in. They also prepare and serve Communion.
Pastors Aid Committee serves and supports the Pastor. The committee helps the Pastor carry out his duties; the goal of the committee is to take care of as many details as possible so the Pastor can perform his ministry worry-free. They also coordinate services and events to benefit the Pastor.
True Foundation Church Auxiliaries

Choir President
Tene Jones

True Foundation Church Auxiliaries
1st Pastor's Assistant/Youth Dept.
Elder Quincy Jones
2nd Pastor's Assistant/Min. Of Music
Elder Daniel Jones
3rd Pastor's Assistant
Evangelist Charmaine Coats
Pastor's Aid/ Secretary
Sukari Jones
Food Pantry
Evangelist Mae Davis
Women's Ministry/Youth Dept.
Evangelist Falisa Jones

Dance Ministry
Evangelist JauQuema Jones